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Where The Magic Happens

I am passionate about creating captivating and unique designs, and I thrive on collaborating with a diverse range of businesses—from startups to well-established brands. My goal is to help you build the brand of your dreams, one that not only enchants your audience but also boosts sales.

Iconic brands are not simply built on pretty logos; they’re crafted from identities. To forge a genuine connection with your audience, I dive deep to understand who you are, who your audience is, and what makes you special. This insight allows me to create visuals that are perfectly aligned with your brand's essence.

My goal is to weave together strategy and beauty to design brand identities that not only dazzle but also resonate deeply. I explore every layer of your brand, uncovering its core essence to ensure it has a unique and fully functional identity.


Visual Identity

This package is designed for businesses with smaller budgets in need of a solid visual foundation. This service offers essential branding elements with a touch of pixie dust to make your brand stand out. Perfect for creating a captivating and memorable presence without stretching your budget.


4-6 weeks

This package is ideal for flourishing businesses ready to dive deeper into their brand’s core values and business goals. This service offers a comprehensive approach to branding, helping you define and amplify what makes your business unique. With enhanced visual elements and strategic insights, I’ll help your brand blossom and thrive, making a lasting impression on your audience.


6-8 weeks

Brand Identity

Full Package

The full package is for businesses aiming to dominate their field with eye-catching and memorable branding. This all-inclusive package provides everything you need to develop an iconic identity across all platforms. From comprehensive brand strategy to stunning visual elements, I’ll help you create a cohesive and unforgettable brand presence that sets you apart and leaves a lasting impact.


8-12 weeks

As a traditional and digital multidisciplinary artist with an extensive academic background in various art forms, I offer unique and personalized art pieces tailored to your vision. Whether you're looking for a custom painting, a digital illustration, or a mixed-media masterpiece, this package ensures a collaborative and creative process to bring your artistic ideas to life.



Art Comissions

Can't get enough? Add Ons

Brand Art: Patterns, Illustrations, Assets/Icons, Gifs

Printed Collateral: Thank You Cards, Business Cards, Loyalty Cards, Menu Design

Templates: Social Media Posts, Presentation Decks, Print Layouts, Letterheads

Packaging Design: Boxes, Labels, Wrapping Paper

Product Design: Uniforms/Apparel, Stickers, Buttons, Name Tags, etc.

Web Design: Buildout on Wix, Squarespace, or Shopify *web domain not included

Client Reviews

"Truly one of the greatest experiences I've had with an artist. Her creativity is unparalleled with a work ethic that is second to none. Enjoyed every second of working with her & look forward (to) future projects!"

Aman Sadiyan, HouseOfBRKT & HardKnox Astoria

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